What is ISO 50001 – Energy Management System (EnMS)?

The EnMS is for reduce energy uses, boost any business efficiency cost cut down. The ISO 50001 energy management system will establish culture of best practices in energy efficiency. This can give you a distinct competitive advantage because the ISO 50001 establishment, implement and certificate clearly demonstrates to customers and other stakeholders that your business is committed to reducing its environmental impact.

Why ISO 50001 Energy Management System (EnMS)?

ISO 50001 is a voluntary international standard and applies to organization of any size, and provides requirements for establishing, managing and improving their energy consumption and efficiency. The ISO 50001 standard for energy management systems (EnMS) can help your organisation improve its energy efficiency and saving you money by reducing energy consumption. ISO 50001 assists facilities in evaluating and prioritizing the implementation of new energy-efficient technologies and in improving energy efficiency, energy use and consumption. It also creates transparency and facilitates communication on the management of energy resources. It promotes energy management best practices and behaviors and provides a framework for promoting energy efficiency throughout the supply chain and facilitates energy management improvements for greenhouse gas emission reduction projects.

Benefits of ISO 50001

  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions: To comply laws and legislation and reduce carbon footprint.
  • Increase cost savings: To manage your energy consumption and energy bills.
  • Improve understanding of equipment: Helps in gaining additional insights into energy use of the equipment and help in increasing efficiency of the equipment.
  • Increase energy awareness: Implementing ISO 50001 requires to implement energy efficiency policy and communicating to the employees which will help in increasing the awareness of employees.
  • Better decisions: To gather accurate data analysis on energy use and facilitate design more efficient systems.
  • Secure energy supplies: To assess energy supply risks and help you take steps to reduce them.
  • Improve operational efficiencies: To develop efficient maintenance practices that reduce energy consumption within the organization.
  • Enhance your brand: To show your commitment to corporate social responsibility and enhance your image and credibility with customers and stakeholders.

Our expert consultants as per industry background can provide you with all guidance and advice you need to implement and get certified to ISO 51000. We provide training to your employees to understand the requirement and get acquainted with the standard. We also conduct GAP analysis which will help you understand and are the parts that are lagging in order to implement. Our consultant will assist you throughout the documentation period and help in improving the PDCA culture in  your organization. Post certification audit we also help you with the root cause analysis and taking corrective action for any raised nonconformities.