C Language is a general-purpose, procedural computer programming language developed by Dennis Ritchie.C lanaguge is first language for almost all programmer. Once you have a solid base of C Programming Language, you can learn any language. C Programming is the common link between most programmers of the world.
- Introduction
- Character set
- Keywords, constans and variables
- Compiler and execution
- Receiving Input
- C Programming Instructions
- Operators
- Control Instructions
- IF, else if, else statements
- for, while and do..while loops
- Break and continue statements
- Switch…case
- Functions
- Pass by value
- Pass by reference
- Recursive functions
- Call by value and call by reference
- Array
- Pointers and Arrays
- Strings
- Pointer and strings
- Structure
- Union
- File handling
- Introduction
- Keywords, constans and variables
- Receiving Input
- Operators
- Data-types
- Class
- Object
- Abstraction
- Incapsulation
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Type conversion
- Namespace
- Control Instructions
- Array, Pointer and string
- Namespace
- I/O Streams
- Functions
- Structure, Union and Enumeration
- Operator Overloading
Visual C#
- Structure
- C# Console
- C# Variables
- Keywords
- Control Statements
- Looping Statements
- Object Oriented Programming
- Classes
- Methods
- Constructors
- Virtual Functions
- Abstract Classes
- Overloading
- Array
- Stack
- Queue
- MS SQL Server
- Creating Databases
- Stored Procedures
- Triggers
- CRUD operations
- PHP Syntax
- PHP Program(Basic)
- Operators
- Variable Manipulation
- Formatting string for presentation
- Formatting string for storage
- Concat and compare string
- if else conditions
- switch statement
- ? Operator
- loops and breaks
- functions
- returning value from function
- User-Defined fuctions
- Dynamic function calls
- variable scope
- Accessing variables
- Passing arguments to function
- Array
- Accessing array
- Loops and array
- Merge and sort elements of array
- Form creation
- Creating and setting cookies
- Creating and setting sessions
- Starting session
- Session variable
- Session ending
- Creating database in MySQL Server
- Connecting MySQL DB
- CRUD Operations
- Displaying returned data on web-pages